14 Clever Workshop Storage Solutions You Can DIY

If you are wasting 20 minutes searching for tools, it’s time to organize your workshop. A clutter-free workshop promotes efficiency. You can save time preparing for your next DIY project when you know exactly where each tool is stored. We’ve rounded up some cheap and easy storage ideas to get your workshop organized and clutter free.

1. Drill Bit Storage Rack

Drill Bit Storage Rack

Use magnetic knife strip to keep screwdrivers and drill bits handy and organized. (Via BHG)

2. Dispenser for Tape

Dispenser for Tape

A few boards and a hacksaw blade are all you need to create a great dispenser for tape. (Full instructions: Popular Woodworking)

3. Pallet Shelf

Pallet Shelf

Organize your tools on an enhanced pallet shelf. (Full instructions: Funky Junk Interiors)

4. Screwdriver Rack

Screwdriver Rack

Free up some drawer space in your workbench by building this simple storage rack for screwdrivers. (Full instructions: Fresh Crush)

5. Create a Pegboard Organization Wall

Create a Pegboard Organization Wall

A pegboard is one of the simplest ways to change your workshop from a pile of tools into a clean and organized place for work. (Full instructions: Sawdust Girl)

6. Repurposed Hanging Shoe Rack

Repurposed Hanging Shoe Rack

Use an inexpensive shoe organizer to store spray paint – two cans fit perfectly in each pocket. (Via Hi Sugarplum)

7. Tool Caddy

Tool Caddy

This caddy lets you keep all of the tools that you use the most often close by. (Full instructions: Home Tree Atlas)

8. French Cleat Tool Storage System

French Cleat Tool Storage System

Add a french cleats storage system to your workshop to organize tools of any shape or size. (Full instructions: Fix This Build That)

9. Mobile Pegboard Cabinet

Mobile Pegboard Cabinet

Build this simple pegboard cabinet that can greatly increase your storage area. Just screw four pieces of pegboard together, add casters to each corner, and hang all your supplies. (Full instructions: Mom 4 Real)

10. Air Compressor Cart

Air Compressor Cart

Build this mobile home for your small air compressor and you’ll be able to wheel it anywhere you want to use it. (Full instructions: Shanty 2 Chic)

11. Crate Storage Locker

Crate Storage Locker

Use inexpensive wood crates to create custom cubbies to store all of your smaller power tools and hand tools. (Full instructions: Ryobi Nation)

12. Cordless Drill Organizer and Battery Charging Station

Cordless Drill Organizer and Battery Charging Station

Store your cordless tools, chargers and accessories in one convenient location with this attractive charging station. (Full instructions: Her Tool Belt)

13. Wall Mounted Lumber Rack

Wall Mounted Lumber Rack

Get your workshop organized by building a wall mounted lumber rack like this one. (Full instructions: Ana White)

14. PVC Power Tools Storage

Here’s a good cheap project for a clever drill storage solution using PVC pipe. (Full instructions: Tool Box Buzz)

14 Clever Workshop Storage Solutions You Can DIY

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